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Clinical trials serve as a critical component of the healthcare industry, aiming to evaluate the safety and efficacy of emerging treatments, medications, and medical devices prior to their public release. For patients considering participation, understanding the nature of these trials and their role in the process is paramount. Engaging in a clinical research trial offers patients distinct advantages. Firstly, participants gain access to innovative treatments not yet accessible to the general public. Secondly, individuals actively contribute to the progression of medical science, fostering a sense of empowerment in managing their own healthcare journey. Additionally, participants often benefit from specialized medical care and attention, surpassing the standard care provided in conventional medical treatment plans. Overall, participating in clinical trials not only offers potential personal benefits but also contributes significantly to the broader landscape of medical knowledge and advancements.


Before participating in a clinical trial, potential participants undergo a pre-screening process to confirm eligibility. Those meeting the basic criteria receive comprehensive information about the trial, including risks and benefits, and have all questions answered. If the patient is agreeable, he or she will be asked to sign an informed consent form prior to the screening visit. Once all screening activities prove the patient is eligible, a randomization visit will be scheduled.

 During the trial, participants are randomly assigned to receive the treatment being tested or a placebo, and are closely monitored by medical professionals. Regular follow-up appointments are conducted to assess treatment progress, and participants may contribute feedback through diaries or interviews.

 Ethical oversight by Institutional Review Boards ensures participant safety and rights throughout the trial, and provides the option for individuals to withdraw from the trial at any point.

We’re currently enrolling patients with the following conditions:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease

  • End Stage Renal Disease

  • IgA Nephropathy

  • Proteinuria

  • FSGS

  • Lupus Nephritis

  • Hypertension

  Please contact us if you’re interested in learning more about a study you may qualify for.


  • A clinical trial is a research study in human volunteers to answer specific health questions. Carefully conducted clinical trials are the safest and fastest way to find treatments that work in certain populations and new ways to improve health.

  • Testing drugs and medical products on the target population is crucial for ensuring their effectiveness and safety. Research involving diverse individuals is essential as people can respond differently to treatments based on factors like age, race, ethnicity, and gender. Regulatory authorities emphasize inclusivity in clinical trials to gather comprehensive data and make informed decisions. Clinical trials serve as a valuable option for individuals who have exhausted approved treatments due to ineffectiveness or intolerable side effects, offering an alternative when standard therapy falls short.

  • Each specific trial has its own set of rules to follow. These rules are called the protocol for the study. It spells out what type of patients can be in the study, what procedures will be done in the study, what medications are involved, and the length of participation in the study.

  • There are no costs to participants in our trials. For most studies, you are reimbursed for your time and travel. That compensation varies from study to study.

  • No, insurance coverage is not necessary. We do not bill your insurance company for any part of the research study.

  • All studies are voluntary. Any participant can choose to stop study participation at any time. Risks involved with study participation include the treatment not being effective or receiving a placebo (no active drug), an adverse reaction from the treatment, an uncomfortable procedure (such as a blood draw) or the demands of the trial visits.

  • Absolutely. Apogee does not want to replace your relationships with your doctors. We will work with you and will, with your permission, send any information to your physician.

  • Every clinical trial must be approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to make sure the risks are as low as possible and are worth any potential benefits.

    Once the trial is approved by the IRB, the organizers of the study must follow a careful plan, called a protocol, that describes exactly what will happen during the study. You will know the full details of the protocol prior to joining any clinical trial.

  • This varies by study. When patients are notified whether they received the placebo, we refer to this as “breaking the blind.” Not all studies break the blind.

  • Clinical research plays a crucial role in discovering and developing new treatments and cures for diseases. Well-executed clinical studies are the most efficient means of identifying safe and effective treatments. By volunteering, you directly contribute to the progress of research, potentially paving the way for innovative treatments for severe or debilitating diseases.

Patient Testimonials

“I have participated in several studies with Apogee. They are very prompt with all my visits, and there was always a doctor available to answer my questions. They are all very professional.”

— John

“Participating in a clinical trial with Apogee was one of the most rewarding experiences. The staff is very supportive, responsive, and committed to quality patient care.”

— Brenda

“My favorite thing about Apogee is the staff. They kept a close eye on me throughout the study. At first, I was nervous to participate, but the staff made me feel comfortable. I was very happy I got a chance to participate in the study and would do it again.”

— Carol